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Are you having a wide cleavage gap after breast surgery? It's possible to fix it with breast augmentation!

 For those who are still afraid of wearing nice tops and singlets in summer  because of the stress and dissatisfaction with your breast surgery ?!! Got this breast surgery to become more attractive, to have more confident  but busy tyring to hide it more than even before when you haven't done the surgery..! "The most dissatisfying outcome after breast surgery is often the disappearane of the cleavage" This is often an unavoidable outcome, no matter how well the breast surgery is performed. Does that mean don't even do breast surgery at all?! The answer is no!  Why? Because we could make you a nice cleavage with our breast augmentation filler! ( we call this procedure "Bone Chest Filler, Breast Augmentation Filler" at our clinic )  What I'm going to show you guys today wasn't performed by me, but it is perforemd by another doctor at our clinic. It's been our work and our job to bring these kinds of amazing outcomes but the patient was so satisfied

최근 글

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READ BEFORE GETTINGB REAST FILLERS (Breastbone filler / Bone breast filler / Breast augmentation corrective filler)