Are you having a wide cleavage gap after breast surgery? It's possible to fix it with breast augmentation!

 For those who are still afraid of wearing nice tops and singlets in summer 

because of the stress and dissatisfaction with your breast surgery ?!!

Got this breast surgery to become more attractive, to have more confident 

but busy tyring to hide it more than even before when you haven't done the surgery..!

"The most dissatisfying outcome after breast surgery is often the disappearane of the cleavage"

This is often an unavoidable outcome, no matter how well the breast surgery is performed.

Does that mean don't even do breast surgery at all?!

The answer is no! 

Why? Because we could make you a nice cleavage with our breast augmentation filler!

( we call this procedure "Bone Chest Filler, Breast Augmentation Filler" at our clinic ) 

What I'm going to show you guys today wasn't performed by me, but it is perforemd by another doctor at our clinic.

It's been our work and our job to bring these kinds of amazing outcomes but the patient was so satisfied with it that she not only provided before and after photos but also gave us a nice review and lovely comments afterwards. 

As you can see above, there was a wide gap between her breasts

Fotunately, the upper area of her breasts looks plump and beautiful
so she only proceeded our breast augmentation filler by filling the empty area between her breasts

Because she has the petite body type, we were able to solve this problem by only using approximately 30cc. However, if she had an average body type, we probably would've needed around 40cc to 50cc 

Before breast augmentation - revision filler

No matter how hard she tried to gather her breasts after breast surgery,

you can see that it looks like as if there is a some type of wall that it wouldn't just close in between, right? 

Most breasts can be adequately covered with sports bras

However, by looking at those photos that it didn't, I can imagine how wide the gap was.

On top of that, no matter what kind of clothes she wore but especially with bikinis, I can imagine she would've had a little bit of dissatisfaction with the shape of her breasts

For those who are having same or similar type of problems, please have a look how it changed after the breast augmentation fillers! 

It turned out very beautifully! 

And you will notice the true value of getting a breast augmentation for revision, not only when you are standing but also when you are lying down.

" They are a lot of people that have lost their confidence after breast surgery because of the shape of their breasts when they are lying "

Because when you are lying, it's much easier to tell

You can solve these kind of problems if you make a nice cleavage with breast augmentation filler

Find your confidence, not just only when you are standing but also when you are lying down! 

Until next time! 

* All the procedures in the blog are proceeded by me and other doctor at our clinic, and the articles were written after obtaining consent from the patients involved *


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